AGV AGV Metall AGV Chemie AGV Ruhr-Lippe VPV Westfalen AGV AGV Metall AGV Chemie AGV Ruhr-Lippe VPV Westfalen Dreieck Suche Suche Contact Person Zeitung Info Login App

Welcome to our website

Four employers' associations and a foundation for education share an office building in Bochum. The building was built in 1950 and is located in the famous ‘Königsallee’, one of the main avenues leading into the city of Bochum.

The five members of the office community are:

  • Arbeitgeberverband der Metall- und Elektroindustrie Ruhr/Vest e. V.  (AGV Metall) - the  Metal and Electrical Industry Employers' Association for Bochum and its surrounding area (region between the Ruhr and Lippe rivers), founded in 1906.
  • Westfälischer Arbeitgeberverband Chemie e. V. (AGV Chemie) - the Chemical Industry Employers' Association of Westphalia, founded in 1948.
  • Arbeitgeberverband Papier, Pappe, Kunststoff Westfalen e. V. (VPV Westfalen) - the Paper, Board and Plastics Converting Industry Employers' Association in Westphalia, founded in 1946.
  • Arbeitgeberverband Ruhr-Lippe e.V. (AGV Ruhr-Lippe) - an employers’ association for other industries in the region between the Ruhr and Lippe rivers, founded in 1948.
  • MINT-Stiftung Ruhr/Vest (foundation for projects in the fields of maths, informatics, natural sciences and technics), founded in 2006.

Each of our associations is supervised by an honorary board.
The chairmen of the boards are:

  • Mr. Friedrich-Wilhelm Wengeler, Wengeler & Kalthoff Hammerwerke GmbH & Co. KG, Hattingen (AGV Metall/MINT-Stiftung)
  • Mr. Hans J. Hesse, Hesse GmbH & Co. KG, Hamm (AGV Chemie)
  • Mr. Henrich Kleyboldt, IFÜREL EMSR-Technik GmbH & Co. KG, Herne (AGV Ruhr-Lippe)
  • Mr. Stephan Potthoff-Wenner, Friedrich Wenner Versmolder Vollpappen- Verarbeitungswerk GmbH, Versmold (VPV Westfalen)
  • A team of 25 experts manage the operational business of our offices. Mr. Dirk Erlhöfer is the managing director.

Altogether, the associations number 420 companies as voluntary members with almost 71,000 employees and about 3,900 trainees. A membership is possible with or without direct bargaining coverage.

What we do

Industrial labor relations

As employers' associations, we analyze the economic climate, devise strategies for collective bargaining, coordinate negotiations with trade unions, provide support in the event of industrial action, and help companies implement collective bargaining agreements. In addition to representing our companies in the actual bargaining rounds, we are continuously working on ways to improve the collective bargaining system itself.

Social policy

We voice the industry’s positions on social policy. The focus is on sustainably financed social security systems and keeping companies’ administrations manageable.  We supply our members with expert advice on matters such as old-age provision, health policy and social security.

Education and training

We are involved in a number of projects to inform the public about working in the respective associations’ industry. We provide information to parents, teachers and young people about jobs, career prospects and the necessary requirements for vocational training in our members’ companies. Furthermore, we offer our members training courses to enhance their staff's professional skills.

Public relations

We formulate and publicize the policies shared by each industry. Our communication focuses on putting across entrepreneurial positions and explaining the industry’s views. In this context we seek a dialogue with the media based on mutual trust. The positions are put forward in a powerful and differentiated manner at press conferences, as well as in interviews with and articles by the managing director.

Industrial Engineering

Our engineers help our members to strengthen their competitiveness by planning and managing concrete measures in the areas of labour organization, pay scale classification, payment schemes and work-time systems.

The heads of our departments are:

Managing Director: Mr. Dirk W. Erlhöfer

Phone: +49 234 58877-11

Wages and Law: Mr. Thomas Rosenke

Phone: +49 234 58877-22

Industrial Engineering: Mr. Dirk Zündorff

Phone: +49 234 58877-66

PR: Mr. Alexander Füten

Phone: +49 234 58877-79